Thought For The Day
“Life is easier than you’d think;all that is necessary is to accept the impossible, do without the indispensable,and bear the intolerable.”...Kathleen NorrisINSURE FIRST Total Insurance Solutions
A combination of Endowment and Whole Life Plan. Provides for a maturity amount after a pre-decided term and a whole life cover thereafter too
Premiums are payable for a pre-decided term only.
LIFE COVER: Sum Assured + Bonus + Final Addition Bonus (as applicable) during the predecided term. After that life cover is equal to the sum assured for the rest of life
MATURITY: Sum Assured + Bonus + Final Addition Bonus (as applicable) will be paid at the end of predecided term.
WIDE CHOICE OF TERM - can be easily aligned with your family objectives
LIQUIDITY: You have an option to surrender the policy & receive the cash value after payment of premiums for 3 years. Loan is also available on this policy when it acquires surrender value. Policy can also be surrendered for a cash value after the maturity benefits have been paid. Thus in a way, it provides an option for 2nd maturity value.