Thought For The Day
“Life is easier than you’d think;all that is necessary is to accept the impossible, do without the indispensable,and bear the intolerable.”...Kathleen NorrisINSURE FIRST Total Insurance Solutions
LIC Jeevan Sugam is a Close ended, Non-linked single premium par plan.
Available only for 45 days.
It provides high level of death cover during the policy term & Maturity Sum Assured along with Loyalty Addition. Death Benefit:
On death during first five policy years
On death after completion of five policy years
Maturity Benefit: On the life assured surviving to the maturity date, Maturity Sum Assured along with Loyalty Addition.
Loan facility is available at any time during the policy term
Loyalty Addition: The Loyalty Addition, is payable on death after completion of five policy years, on surrender during the last policy year and on maturity.